REDI – Regional Dredging Initiative
Project Type
Hydrographic Services
2020 – 2021
Lake Ontario Shoreline Cayuga, Jefferson, Monroe & Oswego Counties, New York
Work Performed:
Conditional Surveys
Pre-Dredging Surveys
Post-Dredging Surveys

Prudent Engineering was retained to provide hydrographic services for the design / conditional surveys, pre-dredging surveys, and post-dredging surveys for various project locations along the Lake Ontario Shoreline in Cayuga, Jefferson, Monroe and Oswego counties, New York under the Lake Ontario Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative (REDI). This program launched in May 2019 aims to increase the resiliency of shoreline communities and bolster economic development across eight counties on the eastern and southern shores of Lake Ontario.
Prudent completed design/conditional surveys at 14 project locations. Project locations included bays, creeks, navigational channels, marina basins, and outlets. Design surveys were performed to determine existing conditions and depths at proposed dredging sites and the single- and/or multi-beam sonar data collected was used to determine the need to or not to dredge the area and develop the dredging plans if found necessary. Deliverables for this phase included a survey report and design survey / conditional survey bathymetric map for each site.
All 14 design survey sites were determined to require dredging. Thusly, Prudent completed both pre-dredging and post-dredging surveys at all 14 locations. Deliverables for the pre-dredging surveys included pre-dredge survey bathymetric maps. Deliverables for post-dredging surveys included post-dredge bathymetric map and if required a volume calculation in AutoCAD which indicated amount of material removed and plotted cross sections.
Based on the characteristics of each location, Prudent selected the appropriate vessels and equipment from their array of vessels and equipment; from the remote control multi-beam Z- boat with an R2 Sonic 2020 multi-beam sonar and a Pos-MV Wavemaster motion sensor, imperative for accessing shallower waters, to their 31-foot Elco catamaran equipped with R2 sonic 2024 multi-beam sonar. Collected data was processed using HYPACK and PosPAC. Deliverables are generated using AutoCAD, MicroStation, and ARCGIS.